Bayesian SEM capture-recapture models

We had to dig out some #rstats #jags code to fit a structural equation capture-recapture model we developed w/ @SCubi25 in a 8-year old @ESAEcology paper (!), and it runs like a charm 🥳🍾#reproducibility ➡️ https://t.

Dolphin PVA

🇬🇷🐬📈@NSantostasi shows in her new paper that Common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth are Critically Endangered (w/ a stochastic PVA) #WomenInSTEM @IUCNRedList #FreeAccess 🇫🇷🇮🇹 — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) February 2020

Our new team is on !

Hello, everyone, this our #FirstTweet We are a group of @CNRS_OccitaniE and @EPHE_fr researchers working at the interface of #ecology, #modelling and #SocialSciences. HAIR is for Human-Animal InteRactions (new website to come soon) pic.

Wolf population dynamics and individual-based models

New @biorxivpreprint #preprint led by Sarah Bauduin 🐺💻 From ind behavior and pack dynamics to pop responses: An #IBM to model #wolf social life cycle w/ contributions by @NSantostasi & @oksanagrente #rstats code ➡️ https://t.

Réunion animation du réseau loup/lynx

Réunion animation du réseau loup/lynx pour l'#hérault #département34 @Occitanie à @villelodeve @OFBiodiversite - un effort de terrain conséquent et précieux pour la recherche en écologie #SciencesCitoyennes — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) January 20, 2020

Eivind F. Kleiven's visit and lemmings pop dynamics

We had the visit of Eivind F. Kleiven who's working on small rodents in 🇳🇴 & the fascinating lemmings (awesome paper ➡️ - another stimulating collaboration w/ N. Yoccoz, R.

Weed demography and hidden Markov models

☘️🚜🍇 New #preprint led by @kazakou_elena in which we assess the effect of management practices on weed demography w/ hidden Markov models #HMM and #RandomEffects #WomenInSTEM #WomenInScience #OpenBUGS — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) January 9, 2020


Happy 2020 #rstats! To celebrate, my modest first #TidyTuesday submission for wk 2019-52. Spatio-temporal trends in 🐺 presence in 🇫🇷 w/ data from @oncfs @OFBiodiversite (bugged dynamic map below)#ggplot2 #tidyverse #dataviz #sf @thomas_mock Code: https://t.

Looking back at 2019

Mortalité en France et tidyverse

Procrastination... Je me suis "amusé" à reproduire cette géniale figure de @coulmont sur le jour des décès en 🇫🇷 en fonction de l'âge et du temps avec #rstats et le #tidyverse https://t.