New preprint by Julie Louvrier on forecasting species distribution

We've been thinking a lot about #predictions in ecology lately. Here's our modest crack at it led by @LouvrierJulie w/ a mechanistic-statistical #SpeciesDistributionModel to #forecast 🇫🇷🐺 expansion #ImperfectDetection #WomenInSTEM #ODEs #Bayes pic.

Nimble and HMM

Playing around w/ awesome @R_nimble to fit multievent #HMM capture-recapture models to data - Code and data here Comments welcome 🤗 — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) December 2019

World Marine Mammal Conference

Our team will be at the World Marine Mammal Conference in Barcelona @VisitBCN_FR 🐬📊🤩 @ValentinLauret @NSantostasi @GIS_3M #WMMC19 @wmmc2019 #MarineMammals - check out the who, what, when and where below pic.

Workshop on reproducible science

This week we host our first winter school on «Reproducible Research in Numerical Ecology » co-organised by #GDR_Ecostat & #CESAB @FRBiodiv. Many thanks to our incredible list of speakers : Nicolas Casajus, Stéphane Dray, @GueryLorelei, @oaggimenez, @FGuilhaumon & @NinaSchiett !

New preprint by Valentin Lauret on integrated SDMs

New @biorxivpreprint #preprint in which @ValentinLauret combines aerial & boat surveys in #SDM for bottlenose dolphins w/ #occupancy models (single and repeated visits) - w/ H. Labach & M. Authier https://t.

Nimble workshop with Daniel Turek

Awesome Nimble @R_nimble workshop given by Daniel Turek from @WilliamsCollege #Bayes #StatisticalEcology at @CNRS_OccitaniE @INEE_CNRS @umontpellier w/ @oksanagrente @ValentinLauret @MaudQueroue @roques_seb @GSouchay @DavidVallecill_ @LoBacon1 — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) October 23, 2019

Workshop on reproducible science

Formation #CESAB / GDR EcoStat: Bonnes pratiques pour une recherche reproductible en écologie numérique, 2-6/12/2019, Montpellier. Par Nicolas Casajus, Stéphane Dray, @GueryLorelei, @oaggimenez @FGuilhaumon & @NinaSchiett ➡ @INEE_CNRS @Ifremer_fr

A review on the last decade of research on capture-recapture

A thread on my review of the capture-recapture literature for the conference Wildlife Research and Conservation 2019 in Berlin 🇩🇪. Slides, analyses, data & #rstats codes available from 1/23 pic.

New paper on lynx densities in France

🥳🍾 Our paper providing lynx density estimates for 🇫🇷 Jura and Vosges mountains is out in @Ecol_Evol @oncfs @CROC_Estelle @ZiFridolin #CameraTrap #SCR #spatial #capturerecapture w/ @oSCR_package #rstats #openaccess

Co-construction d'une interface logiciel

Découverte par les acteurs de l'interface logiciel pour évaluer l'impact d'aménagements sur la viabilité du lynx - 3ème atelier co-construction projet "Eviter, réduire & compenser la mortalité du Lynx par collision avec les véhicules de transport" https://t.