4th meeting of the GDR EcoStat

We had fun 😉 pic.twitter.com/C93lSMzts8 — Olivier Gimenez 🚸 (@oaggimenez) 7octobre 2018

Lucky to have 3 new PhD students

More details here https://t.co/FaP9o0bOD4 — Olivier Gimenez 🚸 (@oaggimenez) 1 octobre 2018

Julie Louvrier submitted her PhD manuscript!

🤩🍾🥳 Well done @LouvrierJulie - Impressiiiiiiiiiiiiive work! https://t.co/wd99KZcYTy — Olivier Gimenez 🚸 (@oaggimenez) 30 septembre 2018

New paper!

🐬👩 💻 New paper by awesome @NSantostasi showing that "Common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth are Critically Endangered" @IUCNRedList 🇬🇷🇮🇹🇫🇷 #pva #conservation @marinemammalogy https://t.co/lcQpyoetm8 #womeninSTEM pic.twitter.com/21raWOutfM — Olivier Gimenez 😴 (@oaggimenez) 30 septembre 2018

New paper!

🤩🐺 New paper by unstoppable @LouvrierJulie "Accounting for #misidentification and #heterogeneity in #occupancy studies using #HMMs" https://t.co/UqJfbkFjbW #teamboulet #openaccess @EcoHMM #carnivorepapersbywomen @ONCFS_officiel @umontpellier @IsiteMUSE @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS pic.twitter.com/YGgPNjzRUE — Olivier Gimenez 🥐 (@oaggimenez) 19 septembre18

New paper!

New paper by #SarahBenhaiem & @LMarescot 🤩👏 "Robustness of Eco-Epidemiological Capture-Recapture Parameter Estimates to Variation in Infection State Uncertainty" https://t.co/ZvNghUHUUY #HMM #multievent #TMB #WomenInSTEM #carnivorepapersbywomen #heynas #serengeti pic.twitter.com/VT6iStk5UW — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 28 août 2018

Sciences sociales et ours brun dans les Pyrénées

"Tenir compte de la dimension humaine dans la gestion des #conflits hommes-grands #carnivores : le cas de l’#ours brun dans les #Pyrenees" https://t.co/OJYC7Lje9L paru dans Faune Sauvage @ONCFS_officiel reprenant nos résultats publiés dans Biol.

New paper!

🤩🐱 New paper by unstoppable @LouvrierJulie "Use of ambiguous detections to improve estimates from #SDMs" in @ConBiology https://t.co/XXZFGDT7ko #teamboulet @ZiFridolin @aveamphibious #WomenInSTEM #carnivorepapersbywomen @ONCFS_officiel @umontpellier @IsiteMUSE @CNRSenLR pic.twitter.com/LkZtbswikJ — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 20 juillet8

ISEC 2018 tweets analysis

Following @JamesGrecian's tracks (who helped me to get the tweets), I did some analyses of the #isec2018 tweets largely inspired (if not copy and pasted) by previous analyses from @brenborbon, @_ColinFay and @bryangoodrich - Data & #rstats codes https://t.

International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (4/4) - Lucile Marescot

And nooooooow, ladies and gentlemen, @LMarescot presents her work on multispecies occupancy models to infer poaching #ISEC2018 @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS #teamboulet @WWF @SMARTCnsvTools pic.twitter.com/FUiATuATNJ — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 5et 2018