International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (3/4) - Nina Santostasi

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now, ladies and gentlemen, @NSantostasi on stage to present her work on estimating prevalence of hybrids in 🇮🇹 wolves using #HMMs and capture-recapture data #teamboulet @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS @romolocaniglia @umontpellier #CEFE pic.

International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (2/4) - Olivier Gimenez

Are you ready for an awesome talk by @oaggimenez on regularization techniques for covariate selection in #caprecapt studies with Ian Renner @MoonbeamLevels ? #ISEC2018 @ISECStatEcol 😍💪🎉 — Julie Louvrier 🐱🐺 (@LouvrierJulie) 3 juillet 2018

International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (1/4) - Julie Louvrier

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the amazing @LouvrierJulie 👏 who tells us about mechanistic #SDMs to study 🐺 colonization in 🇫🇷 #ISEC2018 #teamboulet @ONCFS_officiel @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS @umontpellier — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 2 juillet 2018 This is the end.

Rencontres Humains & Cétacés en Méditerranée

Ma présentation aux Rencontres Humains & Cétacés en Méditerranée du 27 Juin 👧👦🤝🐋🐬 à #Marseille sur l'apport de la recherche académique @GIS_3M #teamboulet #CEFE @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 2uin 2018

Gilles Maurer's PhD defense on the interactions between captive & wild pops of 🐘 w/ an interdisciplinary approach

What future for 🐘 in Laos: adaptation or transformation. — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 19 juin 2018

Determinants of gender gaps in science

New paper!

Linking organismal functions, life history strategies and population performance @BritishEcolSoc cross-journal special feature by the flamboyant @DRobcito w/ @dylan_childs #CyrilleViolle & I w/ contribs by @HalCaswell @djm_MEEG @benjaminblonder & others 🤩 pic.

Socio-ecological approaches to better understand interactions between large carnivores and human activities

Au siège du @CNRS pour présenter notre projet combinant #shs et #écologie pour la gestion des grands prédateurs 🐺🐻🐱 en 🇫🇷 "Osez l'#interdisciplinarité" 🤞😓 @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 11 juin 2018 Et la réponse vient de tomber, ça maaaaaaaaaaaarche!

Workshop on mitigating lynx-vehicle collisions

Building w/ stakeholders an interface to assess lynx viability in 🇫🇷 Sarah Bauduin gives a crash course on spatially-explicit individual-based models (aka PacMan) #rstats #shiny #leaflet #teamboulet — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 6 juin 2018

New paper!

Special feature on Evolutionary #Demography by Takenori Takada & @Richshefferson in #Population #Ecology @SpringerJP_LS - We wrote "Estimating individual fitness in the wild using capture-recapture data" #rstats code ➡️ https://t.