Fitting occupancy models in ADMB

Some time ago, a student of mine got stuck when fitting dynamic occupancy models to real data in Jags because of the computational burden.

Review on individual heterogeneity in capture-recapture models

I just submitted to Oikos a paper entitled "Individual heterogeneity and capture-recapture models: what, why and how?". A pre-print is available [here]( I also provide R codes on GitHub [there](

Expertise on wolf population dynamic in France

Our report (in French) on foresighting wolf population dynamic in France is available from [here]( My contribution was mostly based on the work of my present or former students, including L. Marescot, J. Louvrier and S. Cubaynes.

Capture-recapture workshop in Montpellier

We held our annual 5-day [capture-recapture workshop]( in Montpellier. As always, the attendees had challenging questions and stimulating datasets to analyse! Looking forward to next year.

Seminar on interdisciplinarity in practice

Isabelle Arpin, a sociologist from Grenoble, organised a 2-day seminar on interdisciplinarity. The idea was for the participants to share their experience in practicing interdisciplinarity.

Visit to the IZW Leibniz Institute, Berlin

I spent 3 days in Berlin at the [Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research]( catching up with friends and colleagues (L. Marescot, S. Benhaim, S. Kramer-Schadt, A. Courtiol, H. Hofer).

Ecology meets linguistic

We organized a meeting between our lab and [Praxiling]( a lab working in linguistic to explore potential collaborations between ecology and linguistic. Marie Chandelier and I gave a talk on our recent results on a content analysis we performed on wolf recovery in France and its coverage by newspapers.

DEMOCOM kick-off meeting

We had our first meeting for the project “Climate and management effects on COMmunity dynamics – Developing multi-species DEMOgraphy"funded by ANR. The website is operational and running, check it out here.

INTERACT kick-off meeting

We had our first meeting for the project “Scenarios for coexistence between men and dolphins on the Mediterranean French littoral” funded by Fondation de France. The website is operational and running, check it out here.

Working group on animal/human demography

We organised a 2-day workshop on the metrics of longevity used in human and animal demography. The idea is to explore potential bridges between the two fields. Next meeting in April.