International Statistical Ecology Conference in Seattle

I attended the International Statistical Ecology Conference in Seattle. I don’t go often to conferences, but I do my best not to miss that one.

Research grant on human-dolphin interactions

Great news! Our project on “Scenarios for coexistence between men and dolphins on the Mediterranean French littoral” will be funded by Fondation de France.

Visiting Tromso, polar bear demography

My post-doc Sarah Cubaynes and I went to visit our colleague Jon Aars in Tromso, Norway. We are working together on the demography of polar bears using an amazing dataset the Norwegian Polar Institute has been collecting for decades.

GDR EcoStat meeting

We organised the second conference of the GdR EcoStat. We spent two lovely days in Montpellier talking about ecological statistics with the hundred people who attended. The talks are available here.

Focus on two Brown bear papers

Among the papers we published lately, I’d like to emphasize two contributions on the conservation of brown bears with some eminent colleagues: Karamanlidis, A.A., M. de Gabriel Hernando, L. Krambokoukis, O.

International workshop on Bottlenose dolphin conservation and monitoring

The GIS3M held an international workshop in Marseille on the conservation of Bottlenose dolphin conservation and monitoring in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea. This was the opportunity to discuss the results of the GDEGeM project on the same topic.

Tribute to Jean-Dominique Lebreton

Jean-Dominique Lebreton went on retirement, and we could not let him go without organizing something in his honor. Jean-Do had a tremendous influence in the field of statistical ecology with important contributions in (among others) multivariate analyses, software developments, population dynamics, and capture-recapture methods.

Species distribution model day

Taking the opportunity of Ian Renner’s visit, we organized thanks to the GdR EcoStat a conference on the recent advances in the modeling of species distribution. We were lucky to have the cream of researchers in the domain with Julien Papaïx, Joseph Chipperfield, Ian Renner, Joern Pagel, Bob O’Hara, Laura Pollock and Damaris Zurell.

Ian Renner's visit

Ian Renner from the University of Newcastle in Australia spent some time with us while on a sabbatical. We worked together on developing a method to combine sources of information on species distribution.