Raluca Bancila's visit

I had the visit of Raluca Bancila a research scientist from Romania. We investigated spatio-temporal environmental variation in and individual heterogeneity on emigration/immigration rates of the troglophile harvestmen species Paranemastoma silli with capture-recapture models.

Dolphins, gulf of Corinth, Greece

We visited our colleagues from Dolphin Biology and Conservation (Giovanni Bearzi, Silvia Bonizzoni, Nina Santostasi ‎and‎‎ Eva Greene). Lots of discussions on future projects about the estimation of striped, bottlenose and common dolphins abundance, their distribution in the gulf of Corinth (Greece) and their interactions with fishermen.

International Congress on Biological Conservation

I attended the International Congress on Biological Conservation that was held in my home town Montpellier. The students of our team were on fire and talked about their exciting work. Gilles presented a bio-economic model to study the population dynamics of Asian captive elephants, a nice example of how to explicitly incorporate interactions between captive and wild populations in species management.

Biodiversa grant submission

Just submitted a big proposal to the Biodiversa call. It was great to write this project with Hervé Fritz who, without a doubt, knows how to write grant applications! If successful, we’ll be working on the social and ecological dimensions of connectivity in lynx habitats.

Visitors from Berlin

I had the visit of Sarah Benhaim and Lucile Marescot (a former PhD student of mine), both post-doc at the Leibniz Institute in Berlin supervised by Stephanie Kramer-Schadt. It was an exciting week that we spent discussing and analyzing data on the spotted hyenas from the Serengeti National Park with questions at the interface of demography, sociality and epidemiology.

New PhD student on large carnivore monitoring

I’m so delighted to announce that Julie will start a PhD in October with me, jointly working with Eric Marboutin and Christophe Duchamp from ONCFS. There will be also collaborations with John Linnell from NINA.

Awesome master students

My 2 master students finished their internships. I was so lucky to have them and work with them. Iago worked on the estimation of abundance using bilateral photo-identification capture-recapture data, with an application to bottlenose dolphins.

Biodiversity and conservation department meeting

We had our annual department day; for the occasion, we invited Anne-Caroline Prévot. Anne-Caro is having a fascinating scientific pathway, as she started with a PhD in bird population dynamics and now she’s working on topics requiring skills in environmental psychology.

H. Smith's talk on detection dogs

As one of our always excellent department seminar, we had the chance to welcome Heath Smith from University of Washington, Center for Conservation Biology. Heath, together with his dog Chester with whom I became friend during the talk, is working with detection dogs on all sorts of important questions and organisms in conservation biology.

PhD defense on historical ecology

I acted as the “president” on the PhD committee of Sophie Monsarrat who, with her supervisor Ana Rodrigues, kindly invited me. It was about the reconstruction of marine mammal’s historical distribution and abundance using historical data.