Useful papers on GLMMs

Useful papers on GLMMs 🤩🥳@bolkerb @dalejbarr See also GLMM FAQ by @bolkerb & others — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) May 3, 2022

Bayesian analyses made easy: GLMMs in R package brms

Here I illustrate how to fit GLMMs with the R package brms, and compare to Jags and lme4.

8èmes journées du GdR EcoStat

8th conf of 🇫🇷 Statistical Ecology network #gdrEcoStat is about to start 🥳 We're at 🏡 this year in @montpellier_ I'll be tweeting today & tomorrow, hope it'll pick your interest 😇🔇

Introductory workshop on Nimble

📢🥳 With @MaudQueroue and @ValentinLauret we gave a short introduction to nimble @R_nimble nimble is a #rstats 📦 to fit models in the Bayesian framework w/ MCMC, it's also a programming environment for using/coding fns/distns/samplers

New paper on trade-offs between Deep Learning for species id inference on predator-prey co-occurrence

A pleasure to work w/ #ComputoJournal @Computo85445972 for our paper on trade-offs bw #DeepLearning for species id & inference on predator-prey co-occurrence, which comes w/ a reproducible R workflow 😇 #ReproducibleResearch #RStats 🧵⬇️ https://t.

New paper on wolf depredation hotspots in France

Aaaaaaand it's out 🤩🥳🐺🇫🇷 Awesome paper led by @oksanagrente "Wolf depredation hotspots in France: Clustering analyses adjusting for livestock availability" w/ @OFBiodiversite Free PDF ➡️ @CNRS_OccitaniE @umontpellier — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) February 25, 2022

My Open Access score

With advice by @fxcoudert and the help & patience of the @hal_fr folks, I ↗️ my #OpenAccess score 66% ➡️ 90% 🤩 I felt like a paleontologist digging up fossils, uploading the accepted or non-formated version of papers to public archives #OpenAccess https://t.

Introduction aux statistiques bayésiennes avec R

Je fais une introduction aux statistiques bayésiennes avec R les 11-12 avril pour les doctorantes et doctorants @umontpellier du @CollegeDoctoUM 😇 Inscription ➡️ Diapos & vidéos ➡️ #rstats pic.

New early career researchers in the team!

🤩😇 This year I am going to learn a lot working closely with amazing young researchers - I'm on ☁️9⃣ 🥳 Short intro below 🧵 Give them a follow to stay up-to-date w/ their research (1/7)#ResearchIsLife @cefemontpellier @CNRS_OccitaniE @INEE_CNRS @umontpellier @twitthair1 pic.

Thèse et santé mentale

Faire une thèse est en général une expérience enrichissante pendant laquelle on apprend des tas de choses en recherche et sur soi-même. On interagit avec des gens géniaux. Mais c'est aussi trop souvent une expérience traumatisante.