A review of the capture-recapture literature over the last decade

Our poster with Ruth King and Rachel McCrea for the 2021 Euring conference.

Journée de restitution du projet ERC Lynx

Journée de restitution sur notre projet ERC-Lynx.

Workshop on Bayesian capture-recapture inference

Everything (including data, slides, codes and video recordings) about the workshop we run on Bayesian capture-recapture inference with hidden Markov models in R and Nimble.

Workshop on Bayesian statistics with R

Everything (including data, slides and codes) about the workshop on Bayesian statistics I run.

Workshop on reproducible science in R & RStudio

Everything (including data, slides and codes) about the workshop on reproducible science I run.

Communication sur notre projet ERC-Lynx

More about our project on mitigating collisions between lynx and cars.

Regard SFEE Images, écologie et deep learning

Our take on deep learning, computer vision and ecology.

We had a great 2020 year, considering...

Some highlights on the year 2020 for our group.

Workshop on reproducible science

Workshop to come on reproducible science in our lab.