Raluca Bancila's visit

I had the visit of Raluca Bancila a research scientist from Romania. We investigated spatio-temporal environmental variation in and individual heterogeneity on emigration/immigration rates of the troglophile harvestmen species Paranemastoma silli with capture-recapture models. We used two P. silli populations inhabiting two caves, Closani and Lazului Caves, located in the Mehedinti Mountains in southwestern Romania. Yes, we do not only work on big emblematic mammal species ;-) On a personal side, Raluca is always smiling and laughing – ‘la banane’ like we say in French, it was so good to have her in the team. I’m looking forward to hosting her again!

Evolutionary biology & comparative genomics

I’m an associate professor scientist working at the interface of animal ecology, statistical modeling and social sciences.

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