gender balance

Gilles Maurer's PhD defense on the interactions between captive & wild pops of 🐘 w/ an interdisciplinary approach

What future for 🐘 in Laos: adaptation or transformation. — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 19 juin 2018

Determinants of gender gaps in science

We're lucky to have Anne Loison on June 18 at #CEFE who'll tell us about the determinants of gender gaps in career trajectories #WomenInSTEM @INEE_CNRS @CNRSenLR @CNRS @FemmesCNRS #EgaliteFH @FemmesSciences @umontpellier @IsiteMUSE — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 19 mai 20>