
ISEC 2018 tweets analysis

Following @JamesGrecian's tracks (who helped me to get the tweets), I did some analyses of the #isec2018 tweets largely inspired (if not copy and pasted) by previous analyses from @brenborbon, @_ColinFay and @bryangoodrich - Data & #rstats codes https://t.

International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (4/4) - Lucile Marescot

And nooooooow, ladies and gentlemen, @LMarescot presents her work on multispecies occupancy models to infer poaching #ISEC2018 @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS #teamboulet @WWF @SMARTCnsvTools — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 5et 2018

International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (3/4) - Nina Santostasi

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now, ladies and gentlemen, @NSantostasi on stage to present her work on estimating prevalence of hybrids in 🇮🇹 wolves using #HMMs and capture-recapture data #teamboulet @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS @romolocaniglia @umontpellier #CEFE pic.

International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (2/4) - Olivier Gimenez

Are you ready for an awesome talk by @oaggimenez on regularization techniques for covariate selection in #caprecapt studies with Ian Renner @MoonbeamLevels ? #ISEC2018 @ISECStatEcol 😍💪🎉 — Julie Louvrier 🐱🐺 (@LouvrierJulie) 3 juillet 2018

International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (1/4) - Julie Louvrier

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the amazing @LouvrierJulie 👏 who tells us about mechanistic #SDMs to study 🐺 colonization in 🇫🇷 #ISEC2018 #teamboulet @ONCFS_officiel @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS @umontpellier — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 2 juillet 2018 This is the end.

International Statistical Ecology Conference in Seattle

I attended the International Statistical Ecology Conference in Seattle. I don’t go often to conferences, but I do my best not to miss that one.

New kids on the Bayesian block

I attended Daniel Turek’s talk at ISEC about NIMBLE a neat alternative to WinBUGS and JAGS. It is developed by Perry de Valpine’s group at Berkeley and ‘lets you use BUGS models natively in R, program functions that use them, and compile everything via C++ for faster computing’.

ISEC 2014: the end

ISEC 2014 is now closed. Organising this conference has been a fantastic adventure; hopefully the participants liked it.

We're presenting our work at ISEC 2014

I gave a talk at ISEC 2014 on fitting occupancy models with hidden-Markov models using E-SURGE:

We're organising ISEC 2014

The team is leading the organisation of ISEC2014. We’re getting ready by, among many other things, preparing the delegates’ packs. Of course, these efforts cannot go without some relaxing time.