
New paper on lynx densities in France

🥳🍾 Our paper providing lynx density estimates for 🇫🇷 Jura and Vosges mountains is out in @Ecol_Evol @oncfs @CROC_Estelle @ZiFridolin #CameraTrap #SCR #spatial #capturerecapture w/ @oSCR_package #rstats #openaccess

Co-construction d'une interface logiciel

Découverte par les acteurs de l'interface logiciel pour évaluer l'impact d'aménagements sur la viabilité du lynx - 3ème atelier co-construction projet "Eviter, réduire & compenser la mortalité du Lynx par collision avec les véhicules de transport" https://t.

Lynx meeting on transboundary monitoring and research

Stimulating 🇨🇭🇫🇷 meeting to discuss transboundary monitoring and research on 🐱🐺 in the Jura ⛰️ #KORA @oncfs (@INEE_CNRS) C. Duchamp, @ZiFridolin, U. Breitenmoser, C. Breitenmoser-Würsten, and N. Drouet-Hoguet not on the pix pic.

Preprint on how many lynx in France

How many lynx are there? "Spatial density estimates of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the 🇫🇷 Jura and Vosges 🏔️" @oncfs @CROC_Estelle @ZiFridolin w/ awesome #oSCR @rstats 📦 @chrissuthy @andyroyle_pwrc @dwlinden @CNRS_OccitaniE @INEE_CNRS pic.

Julie Louvrier submitted her PhD manuscript!

🤩🍾🥳 Well done @LouvrierJulie - Impressiiiiiiiiiiiiive work! — Olivier Gimenez 🚸 (@oaggimenez) 30 septembre 2018

New paper!

🤩🐱 New paper by unstoppable @LouvrierJulie "Use of ambiguous detections to improve estimates from #SDMs" in @ConBiology #teamboulet @ZiFridolin @aveamphibious #WomenInSTEM #carnivorepapersbywomen @ONCFS_officiel @umontpellier @IsiteMUSE @CNRSenLR — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 20 juillet8

Workshop on mitigating lynx-vehicle collisions

Building w/ stakeholders an interface to assess lynx viability in 🇫🇷 Sarah Bauduin gives a crash course on spatially-explicit individual-based models (aka PacMan) #rstats #shiny #leaflet #teamboulet — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 6 juin 2018

Kick-off meeting of our project on mitigating lynx-vehicle collisions

Réunion de lancement avec les acteurs du territoire de notre projet sur "Eviter, réduire et compenser la mortalité du Lynx par collision avec les véhicules de transport" @_Cerema #oncfs @CROC_Estelle @INEE_CNRS #ittecop @ademe @FRBiodiv @Min_Ecologie 🤩💪 pic.

Terrestrial transport infrastructures, Lynx population viability and mitigation strategies

Our project `Avoid, reduce and compensate mortality risks of the Eurasian Lynx by collision with transport vehicles` aims to build on previous works on lynx population viability, collision risks while crossing terrestrial transport infrastructures and mitigation strategies. Our team will develop an operational tool upon which the technical operators will be able to rely on in the decision-making process for land-use planning. More details [here]( (in French).

Biodiversa grant submission

Just submitted a big proposal to the Biodiversa call. It was great to write this project with Hervé Fritz who, without a doubt, knows how to write grant applications! If successful, we’ll be working on the social and ecological dimensions of connectivity in lynx habitats.