
Inferring wildlife poaching in Southeast Asia with multispecies dynamic occupancy models

Check out our new @biorxivpreprint #preprint "Inferring #wildlife #poaching in Southeast Asia with multispecies dynamic #occupancy models" led by @LMarescot 🐯 #HMMs @ArnaudLyet @rhohits #NeilCarter @SMARTCnsvTools @AgenceRecherche — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) 15 janvier 2019

Project meeting on multispecies demography

Had a stimulating @AgenceRecherche meeting working on #multispecies #demographic models to study structure & dynamics of 🐺🐦🐟🌱 #communities Check out w/ @UMR_MECADEV @isemevol #CESCO #CEFE #ONCFS @MARBEC_MicMac #CEBC @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS #teamboulet pic.

DEMOCOM kick-off meeting

We had our first meeting for the project “Climate and management effects on COMmunity dynamics – Developing multi-species DEMOgraphy"funded by ANR. The website is operational and running, check it out here.

Research grant on multispecies demography

Wow, another good news, our project “Climate and management effects on COMmunity dynamics – Developing multi-species DEMOgraphy” will be funded by ANR!