Le Réseau Thématique en écologie statistique propose un annuaire des labos/pers en #ecostat Que vous soyez à la recherche d'un labo pour un stage, d'une pers avec une compétence, ou pour vous faire une idée des contours de notre communauté, visitez https://t.
Awesome talk by @hgcaceres on 'Bottom-up conservation, engaging with the local community to develop better conservation actions' 🤩 @CNRS_OccitaniE @INEE_CNRS @umontpellier @IsiteMUSE pic.twitter.com/dGOGFY9B8x
— Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) 18juin 2019
I read this awesome post (in French) by Baptiste Coulmont, professor in sociology, who explored the French academic network in sociology. Coulmont used the composition of PhD commitees to determine academic links between colleagues. The approach very appealing because it uses public data available from the website these.fr. Here, I used Coulmont’s R code to produce the French academic network in ecology. This was a nice opportunity to illustrate how to work in the tidyverse and to do some web scraping using the rvest package.