I acted as the “president” on the PhD committee of Sophie Monsarrat who, with her supervisor Ana Rodrigues, kindly invited me. It was about the reconstruction of marine mammal’s historical distribution and abundance using historical data.
Paméla Lagrange successfully defended her PhD co-supervised with M. Bélisle from the University of Sherbrooke on the ‘Drivers of survival and breeding dispersal using a capture-recapture framework in Tree Swallows - Québec’.
Laetitia Blanc succesfully defended her PhD on the conservation of lynx in France. Congrats Laeti! She had very nice feedbacks by the members of committee (X. Lambin, E. Marboutin, J. Linnell, M.
I acted as president of the examining committee of Sarah Calba who defended her PhD in epistemology of sciences with the predictions in community ecology as a case study. The thesis was supervised by two clever colleagues of mine, Virginie Maris and Vincent Devictor.