How to assess landscape connectivity with spatial capture-recapture models?

How to assess landscape connectivity with spatial capture-recapture models? @oSCR_package to the rescue ! Some code to reproduce results from a great paper by Dana Morin @Fuller_Lab @andyroyle_pwrc & @chrissuthy Post: https://t.

Workshop on quantitative methods for population dynamics in R

📢👋 Together with @SarahCubaynes & @abesnardEPHE we will give a 2-day introductory workshop June 1-2 on quantitative methods for population dynamics in R #rstats Join us 🥳 It's online and free of charge 😉 You just need to register via https://t.

VIBASS and Bayesian capture-recapture workshop

Ey! VIBASS 6 is announced online now https://t.co/VS8cLR8ocK 🗓️ July 10-14 2023 🚩Faculty of Mathematics @FMatemaUV_EG, Valencia, Spain Be aware that the registration would start really really soon and we just have few spots.

Introduction on data wrangling with R

🔧🚧 Intro on data wrangling w/ R 📦 dplyr - import data, pipe, pivot, join, filter, count, work w/ columns, dates, char, factors, etc #tidyverse ▶️ https://t.co/Vs2TbYhbBj ◀️ w/ practicals https://t.

Introduction to GIS and mapping in R

😇 I updated the slides of my introduction to #GIS and #mapping in #rstats using the #sf package and 🐻 🗺️ in the #pyrenees 🏔️ 🧑‍🏫 Slides: https://t.co/mO4Dg8l1H5 🧑‍💻 Code: https://t.

Matrix population models: Lecture slides and R codes for a workshop

Happy to share lecture slides & R codes of an earlier version of the workshop 👇 we ran back in 2014 🤯 w JD Lebreton & @KoonsLab ➡️ https://t.co/XdcCQ560Pz #RStats For video 📽️📺, check out our workshop on pop dynamics https://t.

Bayesian analyses made easy: GLMMs in R package brms

Here I illustrate how to fit GLMMs with the R package brms, and compare to Jags and lme4.

Introductory workshop on Nimble

📢🥳 With @MaudQueroue and @ValentinLauret we gave a short introduction to nimble @R_nimble nimble is a #rstats 📦 to fit models in the Bayesian framework w/ MCMC, it's also a programming environment for using/coding fns/distns/samplers

New paper on trade-offs between Deep Learning for species id inference on predator-prey co-occurrence

A pleasure to work w/ #ComputoJournal @Computo85445972 for our paper on trade-offs bw #DeepLearning for species id & inference on predator-prey co-occurrence, which comes w/ a reproducible R workflow 😇https://t.co/Tgo6OJs7r0#OpenAccess #ReproducibleResearch #RStats 🧵⬇️ https://t.

Binary image classification using Keras in R: Using CT scans to predict patients with Covid

Here I illustrate how to train a CNN with Keras in R to predict from patients’ CT scans those who will develop severe illness from Covid.